eLearning 23 February 2018

5 ways to make learning more lively

Richard Pipe
Richard Pipe
Senior eLearning Designer
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The need for companies and educators to train and educate in a more flexible and personalised way is increasing year on year.

So far this year we’ve already seen a rise in enquiries and contracts to produce personalised, contemporary eLearning. The need for companies and educators to train and educate in a more flexible and personalised way is increasing year on year. Coupled with the governments initiative to increase online learning for business the demand is high.

But what makes our courses stand out from the rest? It’s really simple, we know how to make learning lively! There’s a lot that goes into making eLearning successful, there’s planning, scripting, design and development but here are 5 things that definitely help…

1. Make it enjoyable

Even serious subjects can be enjoyable, we use gamification techniques to create incentives such as awards, badges, certificates, quizzes and more!

2. Content is King

With users becoming more savvy year on year, you need to keep pace with how they learn and engage with content. Learners are used to going online and selecting the content they are interested in and at best skim reading others.  We know video and photography are the most successful ways of engaging with an online audience and getting their attention. This means your content needs to be rich, informative and interesting to the learners.

3. Personalise the Learning

Elearning can be built to be responsive to the individual by creating lots of varied content and unique learning pathways. Personalised eLearning will guide them down specific pathways depending on their level of knowledge.  

4. Make it Digestible

Create a bitesize approach to learning. Instead of trying to pack everything you want to say in the first segment, break it up and structure it.

5. Make it Vibrant

We use large images, graphics, video, photography and animation to engage the learner. Our designs are contemporary and use vibrant colours to keep learners alert.


The beauty of eLearning is that can be a stand-alone course or can be integrated with classroom teaching, complimenting existing methods. It is a flexible tool and can work with modern trends. It is attractive to employee’s, trainee’s and students as it can be completed from anywhere in the world on any device. For businesses and training managers it can be used to create an enjoyable induction programme, to make health and safety, policy and procedure, brand values easily digestible.

If you’re considering eLearning as part of your HR, training or teaching strategy and would like to discuss your idea’s please email rich@firstmedia.co.uk or call 01507 607783. 

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